Aviation Bomb of 250 kg, Defused by Pyrotechnicians

Tue, 14 Feb 2017Giurgiu, Romania

Bomba de aviatie de 250 kg  asanata de pirotehnisti | imaginea 1 An aviation bomb of approx. 250 kg was safely defused by the IGSU pyrotechnicians. The entire situation was closely monitored by the National Center of Integrated Leadership which functions within the Ministry of the Interior.

On Monday morning, February 13th 2017, around 08.00, the pyrotechnic team of the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations in Giurgiu county intervened in order to identify an aviation bomb that had been discovered on the shore of the Danuber, in the are of the naval shipyard in Giurgiu. To their aid was dispatched a team of pyrotechnicians from the Ciolpani Special Emergency Situations Unit.

The respective ammunition was reported to the ISU Giurgiu Dispatching Centre by the workers who were digging in the shipyard. The special pyrotechnic team arriving on the scene observed that it was an aviation bomb, of approx. 250 kg, originating from World War II.

As the ammunition was located at 500 m from the closest house, more than 700 people were evacuated as a preventive proceeding.

Immediately after the team’s arrival on the scene, they removed and transported the ammunition to Bălănoaia unimproved target range, in order to be destroyed under control.

At the same time, the IGSU specialists checked the surrounding area where the ammunition had been discovered, without noticing further such dangerous elements.

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