Beyond the Incandescent Front București, Romania

General Dan Paul Iamandi Has Finally Been Appointed in Command of the Firefighters

Fri, 08 Feb 2019
Numirea generalului Dan Paul Iamandi in functia de inspector general al IGSU se lasa asteptata | imaginea 1 During the Friday afternoon of February 8th 2019, general Dan Paul Iamandi saw his dream come true. He got the paper that was appointing him as the commander of the firefighters. Read...
Beyond the Incandescent Front București, Romania

The ORNISS Certificates Scandal Is "Boiling" Under the Protection of the State Attorney's Office

Wed, 06 Feb 2019
Scandalul autorizatiilor ORNISS  dospeste  sub protectia Parchetului General | imaginea 1 The ORNISS certificates scandal is far from being over. The mainstream media is thundering with non-appreciative articles which point finger at the General Directorate of Domestic Protection (DGPI) with the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MAI). This structure is, for MAI, the Designated Security Authority that "slices and dices" both the applicants and the holders of the certificate to access classified information. Read...
Beyond the Incandescent Front București, Romania

Firefighters Are Threatened with DIPI if They Continue Reading "The Firefighters' Journal" or the "Diamond" Union's page

Thu, 31 Jan 2019
Pompierii amenintati cu DGPI daca mai citesc Agenda Pompierului sau pagina Sindicatului  Diamantul | imaginea 1 For the last few weeks, our readers have frequently reported they had been threatened by their superior officers not to read "The Firefighters' Journal" any longer. Most certainly, we have been used, over the last six years of activity, to the "brave" officers of the General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations or some vain civilians/dignitaries of the Emergency Situations Department to be posing such threats when the truth spoken by our journal hurt their pride or selfishness. Read...